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This article, Alpha Pirates, is property of Leengard Ustan.

This article, Alpha Pirates, is currently under active construction. The author(s), Leengard Ustan, apologizes for the inconvenience.
Alpha Pirates
Alpha Pirates
Marines turned Pirates
Kanji アルファ海賊
English Alpha Pirates
Romaji Arufa Kaizoku
Founder(s) Alpha
Headquarters West Blue
Leader(s) Alpha (Captain)
Whiskey (Vice-Captain)
Senior Member(s) Beta
Other Members Charlie
Affiliation Themselves
Purpose Pillage, Plunder, etc

The Alpha Pirates (アルファ海賊, Arufa Kaizoku) are a group of Pirates that roam mostly on the West Blue of the Grand World. They are led by their namesake and Captain, Alpha.


Many of the original members of this crew had started out as Marines, hence the theme of the crew members' names. They defected from the Marines when their founder, and Captain, Alpha, decided that he couldn't progress any further as a Marine, as well as being tired of all the rules and restrictions that came with being a Marine. He took his 25 crew members, left on their Marine issued ship, and headed straight to the West Blue to be Pirates.

While not all of the crew are all the original Marines that had defected with Alpha, whenever a crew member is lost, they just find someone new to take their place and their name.

Pirate Flag[]

The Alpha Pirates' flag consists of an 'A' shaped mark that flares out towards the bottom and has two points that almost meet at the bottom, making the main feature of this insignia look more like the letter Delta. Below this figure is a base that is curved on the bottom, with a sharp point in the middle that almost touches the two points of the top figure. In the middle of the insignia is the standard/required skull mark that marks this flag as a Jolly Roger. Rather than the usually more cartoony skull that most pirates seem to fly, the skull for the Alpha Pirates is much more realistic.

Crew Members[]

Current Members[]

Former Members[]

Foxtrot - (Assumed)

Crew Strength[]

The crew's biggest strength, in comparison to other Pirate Crews, is their military precision and knowledge of all Marine maneuvers and strategies. This makes the Alpha Pirates one of the most dangerous and difficult pirate crews to fight, both on land and at sea.

While each crew member has their own responsibilities and jobs, each member is also capable of taking the place of any other member, making this crew extremely well trained and adaptable. The crew is able to cope with any situation, from losing crew members to needing to repair any part of the ship.

One thing that helps to strengthen the crew and make them unique amongst the other pirate crews, besides their military past, is that the Alpha Pirates have managed to get ahold of numerous kinds of Dials. They have outfitted their ship with Breath Dials so they can travel even without any wind, and have also attatched various other Dials to the ship to increase their offensive capabilities. Many of the crew are also equipped with Dials, making the crew even more dangerous in comparison to most other Pirate Crews.


  • All members, past and present, are named based on the military alphabet
  • the flag is taken from the logo of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag